Here are a few highlights:
- SVGDocumentView - A view to replace UIImageView with a nice, crisp, re-scaleable SVG image. Configurable from a Storyboard or nib.
- GHButton - A UIControl button which can draw a nice chrome appearance, and have an embedded SVG icon.
- SVGRenderer - A class capable of rendering an SVG into a CGContextRef, so if you wanted to convert an SVG to a PDF or some bitmap format, that would be doable.
- It doesn't do everything in the SVG spec. No animations, SVG Fonts, filter effects.
- It has code that needs some bug fixing. Just today, I realized my gradients weren't working properly with entities that had a transform attribute set. But in general, I've been using this code for over a year in my own apps and it's been fine.
- It's not necessarily the best code for making an editor.
I've cleaned the code like crazy the last couple days. Renaming classes, cleaning up parameters, adding Doxygen style header comments, and moving code around to have better organization. It should be in good shape for others to just pop in and use.